The Frost Kingdom Read online

Page 4

  “Thank you, Miss Alice.” Kian got off his stool and stood up to stretch. “Do you need help with anything else?”

  She sighed. “Kian, I told you to take a break. Rest your hands! I want you to stay away from your work for a while!”

  “I know but I feel restless. I don’t know how long I can stay seated and not do anything.” He looked around the room. “Besides, ever since that thief came into the village, I have been very wary and uptight. I’m always scared he’s going to break in here.”

  “You don’t need to remind me. I have to lock up everything to make sure he won’t strike the bakery. I doubt we have anything of interest for him, so we should be safe,” Alice assured him. “I wouldn’t waste too much time thinking about him. We have more important things to keep ourselves busy.”

  “I know. That’s why I can’t rest. I need a distraction.”

  “Hmm…” Alice looked at the backroom where they kept a lot of their supplies. “Sit in there for a little bit. It’s cool and there is a chair, so you can rest. Try to forget about everything else. Stay there for at least five minutes. If it becomes too much, you can always try counting how flour and sugar we have back there.”

  “Sounds exciting,” Kian smirked. “All right, Miss Alice. Since you are insisting that I need to rest, I’m going to rest. However, if anything comes up and you need someone for it, please tell me.”

  “I wouldn’t leave you out of anything. Now go! Put your feet up and wash your hands. We’ll take care of anyone who comes in.”

  Kian left at that moment to clean up as the door rang open. Alice perked up and was excited to see her new favorite person had arrived. Vinnie had changed into a bright yellow dress though her hands were covered up with gloves again. She smiled as soon as she saw Alice whirled around and greet her.

  “Welcome back! What can I get you for today?” Alice wanted to know.

  “I’m not sure yet.” Vinnie looked around the store and took in all the smells wafting around her. “I see you’re very busy. Maybe I should come back later.”

  “Oh no, you can stay!” Alice insisted. “Trust me. I have plenty of people that are helping me out. You can take your time here. How did you like the cookies I gave you last time?”

  “They were incredible. I shared them with my family and they loved them.” Vinnie leaned over the counter and got a little closer to look at what was available today. “They demanded I bring back more.”

  “Well, we can definitely have more for you later this afternoon. I’m afraid we don’t have enough of those same cookies at the moment, but I can make more. It will just take a little time since I’m also preparing the desserts for the princess’ birthday.”

  This made Vinnie stand up straight. “Princess? What princess?”

  Alice winced when she realized she had spoken too much. “Oh, dear. I was afraid I would let out something I shouldn’t have. Come closer.” She motioned her to step close. Vinnie hesitated for a second but moved in close enough so neither of them would have to touch. “Please don’t tell anyone else but I’m certain that the king and queen have a princess. Someone from the royal family accidentally left her name on the list of sweets they wanted. As far as I know, no one else in the royal family has that name so it must be her. The sweets and design of the cake also sound like something a princess would want. Granted, I’m not completely sure but I have a good feeling about it.”

  “I see,” Vinnie murmured. Unlike Alice, she didn’t seem too excited about this idea. “Well, in a way, that is good. At least you won’t be too shocked and you’re doing exactly what she asked for.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t want to disappoint our princess. I’ve never seen her before but I’m so excited to meet her! I feel like it’s been too long, and we should know who she is.”

  That’s because it has been too long. Vinnie thought but did not say out loud. Instead, she looked over her shoulder at one of the boys that had come out of the backroom. She tried to get a look at his face, but he sat down with his back facing her and went to work on something. “Is he new?”

  Alice looked behind her and saw what Vinnie was talking about. “Oh, that’s Kian. He started recently but is a pretty hard worker and a very good baker. Don’t let his age fool you. He knows what he’s doing.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Only sixteen but he is as good as all the other bakers here. I don’t think I would get half of these decorations done on the cakes if it weren’t for him.” Alice looked down at the cookies that were on display. “So do you still want the same cookies or something new?”

  “Hmm…” Vinnie looked around before making up her mind. “Surprise me. Give me the best of what you have right now.”

  “Of course,” Alice nodded. “I’ll get you a bit of everything. I apologize for the lack of your favorites today.”

  “It’s no worry. I was actually wondering if I could ask another favor out of you.”

  “Oh?” Alice stood up, curious to know what Vinnie wanted. “Would you like me to make you something different?”

  “Actually, this has nothing to do with baking. It’s a completely different favor and I might have to talk to you in private. When do you have a free moment?”

  “I, um…” Alice went looking around for something. “Oh goodness, give me one minute! Kian! Can you do me a favor and bring me that blue bowl I normally mix things in? I can’t seem to find it.” Then she turned around to face Vinnie. “I’m sorry about that. Now what kind of favor would you like?”

  “I’d have to tell you outside of the bakery, Alice. It’s something that is really hard to explain, and I don’t want to do it in public. In fact, I_” She stopped herself when she saw the young man approach Alice with the blue bowl. He looked up and nearly dropped it when he saw that they had a customer. “Oh! I should tell you later then.”

  “No, it’s okay. Kian’s not going to bother us much,” Alice said, looking over at her assistant. “Thank you. How are you coming along with those rosettes?”

  “Fine, Miss Alice. I think I’m done with half of them,” he said, never taking his eyes off Vinnie. He didn’t mean to stare but he couldn’t help himself. “I apologize. I know you told me to take a break, but I couldn’t help it. I just needed to do something.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” Alice shook her head. “Anyway, thank you for the bowl. If you do have time, can you do me a favor and mix up some of the cookie batter? I’m so behind on making them today.”

  “Of course. I don’t mind at all,” Kian nodded to Vinnie. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” Vinnie watched as he walked away, feeling strange. His green eyes were all too familiar and his way of talking was getting to her. “He seems so quiet and sweet.”

  “Well, he is sweet but he’s not exactly quiet. In fact, this is the quietest I’ve ever seen him.” Alice admitted. “Maybe he’s been captivated by your beauty.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Alice covered her mouth. “I’m sorry! I was just saying that he probably never saw someone as lovely as you! I mean... oh no!” She stopped herself. “All right, I will admit it. You’re very pretty. I know that’s so bold of me to say and I didn’t mean for it to slip out of my mouth! It just happened!”

  Vinnie giggled at that. “Alice, it’s all right. I’m flattered you think that way about me.”

  “Oh good!” She sighed. “I would never try to make you feel uncomfortable. I usually don’t blurt things out like this, but I couldn’t help it. Anyway, what I was saying is that Kian is not a quiet young man. He’s very hardworking though and always willing to help out. Now as for your favor, it will have to depend on what it is. I get off to eat in about an hour. Will that work for you?”

  “Yes, that is perfect! Where do you want me to meet you?”

  “How about meeting me outside of the bakery? There’s a door out back where you can wait by. I’ll come out that way and
you can tell me all about your favor.”

  “Very well. I look forward to see you in a little bit.”

  Vinnie left the store then, but Alice’s gaze was still locked on her. She didn’t know what it was but something about her was charming. It was strange because no one else in the bakery had ever seen Vinnie before or heard of her. Tamara knew all the people that lived in the kingdom and she could recognize a face from far away. Vinnie’s face was new for her.

  “I have reasons to believe she doesn’t actually live here.” Tamara finally decided, looking at Alice. The blank happy look on her face was telling another story. “I also see that you don’t care about that fact.”

  “Hmm?” Alice stood up again. She kept sinking down and slumping over whenever she thought about Vinnie. “I’m sorry. Were you speaking to me?”

  “Who else is around?” Tamara shrugged. “I don’t blame you for being captivated. She is quite lovely. You’re not the only one who seems tongue-tied around her.” She looked over at Kian who had finished mixing up cookie batter. “I’m not sure what got into him. He was so chatty this morning and now he isn’t saying a word. She must have him under her spell too.”

  Alice turned her gaze to Kian who was barely looking up from his work. This didn’t seem like the same thing. Kian wasn’t under a spell. It was more like he was nervous all of a sudden. He had noticed something about Vinnie that caused him to grow silent. He was trying his hardest not to be impolite, so he just didn’t say much.

  “I wonder if he’s scared of her,” Tamara thought out loud. “I don’t see any reason to be.”

  Kian came back over with the finished cookie batter. “Here you go, Miss Alice. I’m finished.”

  “Thank you.” Alice looked up and saw that he seemed more relaxed now. The color in his face had returned and his green eyes were filled with light. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Is something wrong?”

  “No, I was worried about you. I haven’t seen you look that way before and I was wondering if I was pushing you too hard.”

  “No, you weren’t! I’m sorry if it seems like I was being rude,” Kian apologized. “I guess I am feeling a little weak. I should have taken your advice and rested a little longer.”

  “Then do me a favor and sit outside for a little bit. I can put these cookies in the oven,” Tamara said. “Also, we’re going to need some nuts since we are running low. Alice, do you mind running to the store and getting some? Just enough for three batches for now. I also need you to make an order of them as well.”

  “I can do both of those things,” Alice nodded. “The store isn’t too far. I should be back soon.”

  “I’m counting on it. In the meantime, I will have someone man the front of the shop.”

  Alice walked out in front with Kian right by her side. He seemed to be better physically, but something wasn’t right. It was like he recognized Vinnie from somewhere else. He sat down in front but didn’t say anything, staring out at what was in front of him. Tamara was right. He was being unusually quiet now.

  “Are you sure you’re fine?” Alice had to ask. “You look very pale.”

  “I’m just thinking about something,” he began. “She just started visiting us yesterday, didn’t she?”

  “Yes. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s just that she seems different from most of our customers. I can’t help but wonder just who she really is.”

  Alice was confused by that. Vinnie definitely seemed like a normal customer even if she wasn’t from Themasa. If she came from another kingdom, it wasn’t an issue since they always had customers from other kingdoms. She did see what Kian meant however. Vinnie wasn’t dangerous, but she was hiding something. She just came and left without saying much. The favor that she had was also interesting. No one had ever asked Alice for favors outside of the bakery before. Vinnie wouldn’t give her a hint about it.

  Oh well, this could be interesting. Alice told herself, making her way through the town square. She had no idea why but there was a feeling at the back of his head. Vinnie was someone knew and different in her life. She was someone that she felt she could trust. It was nice to have a person that could become a friend for her in the future. Still, a part of her wanted to be more. She wanted to be able to do more with Vinnie. She wanted to feel some love between them but couldn’t do that until she could touch her with bare hands.

  Love. For some reason, it felt like she was falling in love and she didn’t know how to stop it.

  Chapter 5

  Lavinia had never meant to draw any attention to herself today and was doing her best to stay hidden from most people. She had pulled her cloak up and made sure she was as covered as she could be. So far, there were no disasters and she was careful not to touch anyone with bare skin. Her only interactions today had been at the bakery with Alice, the older woman, and that young man, Kian. There was something about him that was very familiar. When she looked into his eyes, she noticed how quickly his demeanor changed. He had been productive and seemed like a high-spirited young man up until the moment he laid eyes on Lavinia. Maybe he sensed that he was standing in front of royalty.

  I wonder what gave it away. I didn’t wear my best clothes. Was it something I said? Is that what gave me away? Lavinia wondered, looking around the town square. It was starting to get more busy now, so she was wary about who she ran into. If anyone recognized her, she didn’t know how she would react. I better keep to myself for now. I’ll tell Alice what I want and see what she says.

  She knew she was going to take a huge risk telling Alice this. It meant revealing who she was and her curse. That in turn could mean that Alice would probably not want to speak to her. Even worse, she would tell someone else and the whole world would turn on her. Lavinia would never be allowed out of the castle again, provided she would be able to get back home in one piece. Then she would have to deal with the aftermath from her family. This revelation would hurt a lot of people.

  I have to stay calm. I have to pretend I am one of them. She told herself. There was also the possibility that Alice would help. She was friendly enough to keep secrets and it did seem like she could go on an adventure. That’s what this was going to be; an adventure. Somehow, they would find that cure for the curse and Lavinia would be back in time for her eighteenth birthday. That would be her present to herself. That was when she wanted to be able to touch people and hold someone in her arms. She wanted to be able to kick off her shoes and run through fields of grass with her bare feet. She wanted to hold flowers and shake hands without fear of turning anything to ash.

  She was about to turn around toward the bakery again when she heard some commotion coming from the distance. Other people began to move toward the center of the town square and she started to follow them. She could hear the horns from the distance and knew what this meant. Royal guards were approaching the center and they had found something. They only came here for two reasons; to give announcements or to put someone to death for a crime. There was a hole growing inside of her as she thought about the only possibility. They had caught the thief.

  “Oh no!” She whispered, trying to make her way to the front. She needed this thief alive and she had to save him. Carefully, she pushed herself through without brushing skin against anyone. She could see a few of the royal guards up front, gathering people around and someone that was locked in a cage. It was hard to make out who it was, but she needed to get them out of there. Innocent or guilty, she didn’t like where this was headed.

  What do I do? I need to get close enough to free them. The lock is easy to break but I have to make my way there first. She began thinking of ways to break the lock without anyone spotting her. The person in the cage had been bound and gagged so all they could do was thrash around and try to make noise. This was not the way she wanted anyone, criminal or not, to be treated. They were tied up and being shown off to everyone in this manner. Even if this wa
sn’t her thief, she had to let them out.

  “Citizens of Themasa, as you know, we have been in the midst of a thief who has been stealing from noble homes.” The guard in front began. “They have been terrorizing us for quite some time but not anymore! We got this thief stealing bread from the marketplace earlier today! Fortunately, we were able to catch him before he could continue. Now we will have him pay for these crimes.”

  “Bread?” Lavinia said out loud. As far as she knew, the thief didn’t target marketplaces for bread. The thief was known for breaking into noble houses and businesses. He wanted jewels, coins, and priceless art. If she didn’t know better, this thief was probably someone poor who just wanted some bread. “That can’t be him.”

  “Before we commence with the execution, is there anyone who opposes to this? Speak now!”

  That was the opportunity she needed. Making her way to the front, she yelled. “I oppose!”